Infromation about custormer service
-Infromal custormer feedback=When you finish a meal and a waiter asks you if evrything was fine, this is a cheap, easy and informal way of getting custormer feedback.other methods include watching custormers as they enter and leave and chatting to them.
-Custormer Questionnairs=Many Organisations send out regular online questionaires to a representative customer group to check their views for an example tesco, if you go on there website a survey pops out and it asks
you if you have got five mins
-Infromal custormer feedback=When you finish a meal and a waiter asks you if evrything was fine, this is a cheap, easy and informal way of getting custormer feedback.other methods include watching custormers as they enter and leave and chatting to them.
-Custormer Questionnairs=Many Organisations send out regular online questionaires to a representative customer group to check their views for an example tesco, if you go on there website a survey pops out and it asks
you if you have got five mins